This Geek I Know

This Geek I Know

tech news YOU can use

Posts filed under Technology In Daily Life

Introduction to Wireless Electricity

Explore the electrifying world of wireless electricity: from Nikola Tesla’s visionary experiments to today’s cutting-edge applications in consumer electronics, medical devices, and electric vehicles. Uncover how this revolutionary technology works, its benefits, challenges, and the potential it holds to transform our daily lives into a seamless, wire-free experience. Perfect for tech enthusiasts eager to understand the future of power.

Understanding the Differences: Structured, Unstructured, and Semi-Structured Data

This is a much longer post than I usually write, but it has helped me wrap my head around the topic. Imagine a scenario where a business executive is tasked with making data-driven decisions to drive growth and stay ahead of the competition. They are inundated with vast amounts of data from various sources, ranging… (read more)

Coming Soon! Cybersafety Ebook

Update: At the beginning of 2017 I reorganized my work on the book and got the text written. It took a little over three months. I have a cover, and it’s at this moment in the hands of an editor for the second pass through.  I think it’ll probably be early in 2018 when I… (read more)

Instagram Disappoints Me

  Note: originally published June 14, 2016; updated 10/17/2017 for optimization, and new content at the end. Instagram is fun. I like sharing some of my phone photos. And, let’s face facts–fancy filters notwithstanding, a good portion of the photos on Instagram are really simple phone photos. Yes, the latest iPhones and Android phones have… (read more)

Changes Coming for This Geek I Know

There will be some changes coming for soon. I struggled with the name of this website for a while. When I purchased it, I liked this name, I still do, but it doesn’t say much about what we do here. To move forward, I have purchased the domain name Over the next couple… (read more)

Tech Training Never Stops (and Rarely Slows Down)

One of my favorite descriptions of technology is that working in it is like standing on shifting sand. It seems like yesterday’s technology can quickly leave us behind. Yes, I meant yesterday’s technology. As a result, tech professionals know they need to constantly engage in training or professional development. Therefore, I’ve embarked on a 21-course… (read more)