This Geek I Know

This Geek I Know

tech news YOU can use

Nancy Jones

All posts by Nancy Jones

Liquid Metal Alloy May Repair Nerve Damage

There’s pain you can live with—or learn to live with—and then there’s nerve pain, and pain caused by nerve damage. Patients with pain caused by damage to the sciatic nerve often live with not being able to find a comfortable position to sit, stand, or lie down. Research into finding relief from this pain took… (read more)

Instagram Disappoints Me

  Note: originally published June 14, 2016; updated 10/17/2017 for optimization, and new content at the end. Instagram is fun. I like sharing some of my phone photos. And, let’s face facts–fancy filters notwithstanding, a good portion of the photos on Instagram are really simple phone photos. Yes, the latest iPhones and Android phones have… (read more)

Changes Coming for This Geek I Know

There will be some changes coming for soon. I struggled with the name of this website for a while. When I purchased it, I liked this name, I still do, but it doesn’t say much about what we do here. To move forward, I have purchased the domain name Over the next couple… (read more)

Tech Training Never Stops (and Rarely Slows Down)

One of my favorite descriptions of technology is that working in it is like standing on shifting sand. It seems like yesterday’s technology can quickly leave us behind. Yes, I meant yesterday’s technology. As a result, tech professionals know they need to constantly engage in training or professional development. Therefore, I’ve embarked on a 21-course… (read more)

Calling Gulf Coast Techies

I am exploring options for a creating Gulf Coast Technology Collaborative. There are a few technology-based groups in the area, but they’re topic-specific. What I would like to create with some help is a very broad-based tech group that will serve several purposes: to foster innovation among individuals outside of a work environment to keep… (read more)

Something’s Fishy With Your Cellphone

image courtesy of Seattle Municipal Archives   In the United States, there are somewhere in the neighborhood of 325 million cellular devices in use (15), comprising phones, tablets, notebooks, hotspots, and, most recently, vehicles. We are generating a lot of data on these devices, and these devices are generating a lot of data—about us. At… (read more)

CubeSats: The Cutest Thing in Space

I was reading one of my techie newsletters recently and the writer mentioned something of which I had never before heard: CubeSats. I know that there are a lot of things in space of which I have never before heard, but I thought I had heard of the big, important things. As it turns out,… (read more)

Yet Another Net Neutrality Opinion

The term “net neutrality” refers to two different aspects, and the debate revolves around both of them. One part refers to priority treatment of some types of traffic over other types. Pure net neutrality would state and require that all traffic be treated equally. The other part involves access to all of the Internet regardless… (read more)

Aviator Doesn’t Fly for Me

View image | I listen to a lot of podcasts on various subjects, and recently I heard the hosts of the Digital Underground Podcast from Kaspersky Labs talking about a new web browser called Aviator. Built on Chromium, but designed for privacy, I figured I’d give it a try. I like Chrome, and I… (read more)