This Geek I Know

This Geek I Know

tech news YOU can use

Posts filed under technology

Securing the Future of Personal Medical Devices: Unveiling Vulnerabilities and Balancing Innovation and Security

Explore the hidden vulnerabilities in personal medical devices and the importance of maintaining a delicate balance between innovation and security. Discover how ethical hacking and proactive measures can ensure the reliability and safety of these life-changing technologies.

Understanding Machine Learning: A Guide for Tech Enthusiasts

In today’s tech-driven world, machine learning has become a buzzword that permeates numerous industries, promising advancements and innovations at an unprecedented scale. However, if you don’t work with it directly or indirectly, the concept of machine learning may seem daunting and elusive. Fear not, as this guide aims to demystify the world of machine learning,… (read more)

Technology at the South Pole: Unlocking Mysteries and Pushing Boundaries in Scientific Exploration

Discover the remarkable technological marvels of the South Pole and its role in research and exploration. Dive into the captivating intersection of technology and extreme environments, uncovering groundbreaking projects and future possibilities. Join us on this exciting journey and witness the indomitable human spirit in the face of adversity.

Coming Soon! Cybersafety Ebook

Update: At the beginning of 2017 I reorganized my work on the book and got the text written. It took a little over three months. I have a cover, and it’s at this moment in the hands of an editor for the second pass through.  I think it’ll probably be early in 2018 when I… (read more)

Calling Gulf Coast Techies

I am exploring options for a creating Gulf Coast Technology Collaborative. There are a few technology-based groups in the area, but they’re topic-specific. What I would like to create with some help is a very broad-based tech group that will serve several purposes: to foster innovation among individuals outside of a work environment to keep… (read more)

CubeSats: The Cutest Thing in Space

I was reading one of my techie newsletters recently and the writer mentioned something of which I had never before heard: CubeSats. I know that there are a lot of things in space of which I have never before heard, but I thought I had heard of the big, important things. As it turns out,… (read more)

Aviator Doesn’t Fly for Me

View image | I listen to a lot of podcasts on various subjects, and recently I heard the hosts of the Digital Underground Podcast from Kaspersky Labs talking about a new web browser called Aviator. Built on Chromium, but designed for privacy, I figured I’d give it a try. I like Chrome, and I… (read more)